A Ataque Frontal, Inferno Club e X El Cambio da Argentina, organizadores da turnê sul americana da banda Sham 69, informam que os shows que seriam realizados esta semana foram cancelados devido a forte alta do dólar na atual crise econômica mundial. Isso inviabilizou completamente os shows, onerando os custos do evento. A banda ciente do fato concordou em cancelar os shows e negociar uma nova data para 2009.
Pedimos sinceras desculpas ao público e fãs da banda que mais uma vez ficaram frustrados com o cancelamento. Aqueles que têm ingressos, por favor, dirijam-se aos postos de venda onde foram adquiridos para a devolução integral do mesmo.
Abaixo temos uma declaração (em inglês) da banda postada no site oficial e myspace prometendo uma visita em breve.
We have this day 21st Oct received a statement from the promoters of the South American tour Ataque Frontal that the tour has been postponed. After many discussions between the band and the promoters it was decided by the promoters that the tour was to be postponed due to the economic crisis that is facing everybody right now.
The problem overall is that the promoters were facing daily price rises from Airlines and internal production costs that would have made it impossible to make things work. Both SHAM 69 and ATAQUE FRONTAL have looked at all ways of trying to resolve this problem, but the economic crisis is affecting everyone both in South America and here. It is extremely sad that the band could not come but the decision laid in the hands of the promoters and their job is to make not only the shows work but also that the band and their fans are a part of a good production that’s safe and enjoyable.
We are hoping that the promoter will be announcing really soon new dates for this tour and that ALL tickets will either be refunded or honored for the new dates.
Once again SHAM 69 is sad for you the fans, but we will get there soon!!!